Global construction investment

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The worldwide new-build investment in construction comprises 56.5% for dwellings, 5.5% for other buildings and 38% for infrastructure

As reported in detail in a Wiki item, the worldwide new-build investment in construction comprises 56.5% for dwellings, 5.5% for other buildings and 38% for infrastructure.

As a first approximation, the global demand for consulting engineering services related to new-build construction (without repairs and maintenance demand) is some 600 billion USD.

The analysis opens the door to estimating the investment in dwellings in over 90 countries. This exercise was discused with UN Habitat which was the custodianfor the Sustainable Development Goals’ indicator SDG11.c.1 that largely concerns newly built dwellings. Unfortunately, the Tier 3 SDG11.c.1 indicator has been officially removed from further consideration as a Tier 2 or a Tier 1 indicator. The current SDGs therefore no longer have a target for the actual investment in dwellings and infrastructure.

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